Your Work Matters – Youth sector survey | Youth Central

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Youth Affairs Council Victoria (YACVIC) is inviting people who work with young people in Victoria to participate in a survey as part of the Youth Work Matters Project.

The Youth Work Matters Project sets out to evaluate and demonstrate the economic and social value of youth work and communicate this to government and other stakeholders to promote greater investment in the youth sector.

Your insight will help raise awareness and build understanding for the valuable role you and so many other workers play in young people’s lives, and draw attention to the needs and opportunities for youth programs and services in Victoria.

The survey should take about 10 minutes to complete. The time taken to complete the survey is greatly valued and YACVIC encourages you to forward this survey to your colleagues and peers to complete by 17 September.

Complete the survey

  • For paid workers who work with and supports young people, please follow this link to the survey.
  • For managers who work with and support young people, please follow this link to the survey.

The survey is completely confidential, and results will be collated by the Youth Affairs Council Victoria.

More information

Youth Affairs Council Victoria has convened a Youth Work Matters Working Group, which includes leaders from organisations across the youth sector, the 3 universities that deliver youth work degrees, and other key stakeholders in the sector.

Specifically, the Working group is in the process of developing an:

  1. Articulation of Youth Work, aimed at those unfamiliar with the unique nature and value of youth work, and the many environments where it can/does add value. This will include case studies.
  2. Economic Case for Youth Work that shows how upstream investment in preventative and early intervention will reduce downstream costs for acute and crisis services.
  3. Advocacy Campaign, to align with the launch of the new Victorian Youth Strategy and the upcoming election budget.

If you’d like more information about the Youth Work Matters Project, get in touch by contacting Giovanna Szalkowicz via email