2023 Victorian Youth Congress | Youth Central

Applications are now closed.

The Victorian Youth Congress is an advisory group of young people aged 12 - 25 who work with government to identify issues that matter to young people and provide advice on youth policy and programs. 

Ideal candidates are young people who enjoy working in a team and have a strong interest in issues relevant to young people across the state. 

Previous experience in advisory groups or working with government is not required - what matters is passion and willingness to learn. 

Membership of the Victorian Youth Congress is a paid position, and members are remunerated for time spent engaged in or preparing for congress activities. 

Young people from diverse backgrounds are strongly encouraged to apply. 

This is a great opportunity to develop confidence and advisory skills, and have a say on the important issues that impact young people and their communities.  

Roles and responsibilities 

The Victorian Youth Congress is supported by the Office for Youth, within the Department of Families, Fairness and Housing (DFFH). Staff from the Office for Youth work closely with Congress members to coordinate meetings, and to ensure Congress members have opportunities to engage with the Minister for Youth, Parliamentary Secretary for Youth and other parts of government. 

The congress played an important role in developing Our promise, Your future: Victoria’s youth strategy 2022-2027, and will continue to inform the implementation of this strategy and the delivery of key priorities.  

Congress members will work in three ways: 

  • They will provide their advice and recommendations to the Minister for Youth by working with the Office for Youth and each other on working group projects relating to specific policy or programs. Some of this work will take place in monthly meetings, and some members will complete this in their own time.  
  • They will provide advice to other areas of government where their policies or initiatives relate to young people. 
  • They will have training and development opportunities provided throughout the course of their term that may assist their work as congress members

How to apply

We want the application to reflect who you are, in a way that suits you.  

Applications can be submitted by filling out this form: Apply now.

If you wish to arrange a verbal application over the phone, please email the Office for Youth and we will get back to you to arrange a time for a phone call. 
