If you're enrolling to some tertiary study, it's good to first consider the costs involved, including:

  • course fees (or 'tuition fees')
  • the cost of textbooks or other course materials (course fees usually don't cover these costs)
  • a service or amenities fee, which is used to fund student services and activities (not all courses require this).

The good news is there are ways to make paying for study a bit easier. 

Paying for university

The Higher Education Loan Program (HELP) can help you pay for your uni course. Your eligibility depends on what the loan will be used for, your citizen and residency status.

There are a couple of HELP loans available, depending on whether your place at uni is subsidised by the Australian Government (these are known as 'Commonwealth supported places' or CSP) or you're paying full fees to do your course.

  • If you're a Commonwealth supported university student, you can apply for a HECS-HELP loan.
  • If you're a full-fee-paying university or higher education student, you can apply for a FEE-HELP loan.


If you've received a Commonwealth supported place in your course, you're eligible to apply for a HECS-HELP loan. As a Commonwealth supported student, the government pays part of your course fees. Taking out a HECS-HELP loan means you're borrowing money to pay for your share of the course fees.

To apply for a HECS-HELP loan you just need to fill out an application form, which you have to get from your university. You'll also need your Tax File Number (TFN). If you don't have a TFN,  read our understanding tax page for advice on how to get one.


If you're paying full fees for your course, you may be eligible to apply for a FEE-HELP loan. With a FEE-HELP loan you can borrow as much or as little as you want to, as long as it doesn't exceed the set maximum amount, which is set every year on 1 January.

Whether or not you can apply for a FEE-HELP loan depends on your course provider. Find a list of all universities whose students are eligible for FEE-HELP - list of providers that offer Commonwealth assistance.

To apply for a FEE-HELP loan you just need to fill out an application form, which you have to get from your university. You'll also need your Tax File Number (TFN). If you don't have a TFN, our understanding tax has advice on how to get one.

Paying for TAFE and training courses

The Higher Education Loan Program (HELP) can also help you pay for your TAFE or training course. There are a couple of different loans you can apply for:

  • If you're studying for a higher education qualification and you're paying full fees for your course, you may be eligible to apply for a FEE-HELP loan.
  • If you're studying for a diploma, advanced diploma, graduate diploma or graduate certificate and you're paying full fees for your course, you may be eligible to apply for a VET FEE-HELP loan.
  • If you're studying at a TAFE or other training provider in a Victorian Government-subsidised place you may also be eligible to apply for a VET FEE-HELP loan.

FREE TAFE and Skills First

The cost of some TAFE and training courses are completely or partially subsidised by the government. This funding supports eligible students to receive training in an industry that is growing, such as in education and health.

  • Skills First provides support for job training in specific growth industries.
  • FREE TAFE is available for specific courses and training in Victoria, allowing you to upskill or change careers.

Paying for other study-related costs

Some institutions will have additional costs related to study, separate to your tuition fees. There are a couple of other HELP loans available to help with this:

  • The SA-HELP loan can help you to pay all or part of your student amenities fees.
  • The OS-HELP loan is available to Commonwealth supported university students who want to do some of their study overseas.

Getting paid to study

It almost sounds too good to be true, but there are some ways you can get paid to study.

Do an apprenticeship or traineeship

Apprentices and trainees earn a wage from their employer while doing on-the-job training. They also complete qualifications at TAFE and other training providers.

Find out how to prepare and apply for apprenticeships and traineeships.

Join the Australian Defence Force (ADF)

If you sign up with the Army, Navy or Air Force you can complete a university degree at the Australian Defence Force Academy and receive tax-free pay and allowances.

You can also complete an apprenticeship or traineeship through Australian Defence Force careers. If you’re already at university you can be paid while you finish your studies.

Keep in mind, if you do choose to study with the ADF, you are committing yourself to potentially serve as military personnel in the event of a disaster or conflict.


Most universities and TAFEs offer scholarships, awards or bursaries to help you pay for your study. Businesses also offer education grants, sometimes with work placements as part of the grant.

Check the website of your uni or TAFE to see what's available. You can also find out about scholarships on VTAC’s scholarships and our scholarships and philanthropic programs page.

Getting financial help

If you’re struggling to pay the bills, your student union might be able to help. Give them a call or email them and have a chat about what kind of financial assistance you might be able to apply for. Their contact details should be on your institution's website or other materials you were given when you enrolled.

Our youth allowance, Austudy and other allowances page has info on the types of financial support the government provides to students.

You could also try applying for an emergency loan to cover essentials like rent, household bills or medical expenses. For more about other financial help that's available, read our financial assistance section.

For more tips and advice about paying the bills and staying out of debt, read our money section.


StudyAssist - HELP loans
Comprehensive information about loans available to help tertiary students pay for their courses.

VTAC - scholarships
Information about a range of scholarships and how to apply for them.

Training and government subsidies
Find out if you can get government subsidised training from training providers.