What is Youth Central?
Youth Central is the Victorian Government’s website for people aged from 12 to 25.
It’s a one-stop shop for you to find information about lots of things including jobs, study, housing and managing money.
Some example topics include:
- how to find a job
- study and training options
- moving out of home
- getting your L and P plates
- managing your money
- your rights as a young Victorian.
What is YouthNav?
YouthNav is our toolkit helping you to navigate your way to your future.
Who manages Youth Central and YouthNav?
Both are managed by the Office for Youth in the Department of Families, Fairness and Housing (DFFH).
How you can get involved
Ways you can get involved:
- share or like our Instagram posts
- retweet or reply to our X (formerly Twitter) posts
- comment or share our Facebook posts
- visit our YouTube channel.